
Spines - The Anchorsholme Way


At Anchorsholme Academy, we want all pupils to be passionate about Cultural Capital and to be inspired to learn beyond the curriculum. We also want to give our children the skills, knowledge and experiences they need to be independent, curious and critical thinkers, so that they are prepared and well equipped for future life by the time they leave Year 6.
Enrichment opportunities are provided to explore Cultural Capital beyond the classroom. Our Reading, Art, Music and Life Skills Spine provide a breadth of skills taught across year groups which are built on progressively.

We aim to develop all children into confident learners who are curious around about future aspirations; who work collaboratively to find answers and can communicate their findings.

We believe that it is important that children should be provided a range of experiences and have access to wider skills in society to prepare them to be successful.

Cultural Capital

  • Children are exposed to a wide range of experiences through our wide-ranging ‘Funky Friday’ activities
  • Visitors and experts are invited into school to broaden knowledge and provide opportunities to ask questions. Our annual Careers Fair showcases a wide range of career choices and promotes aspirations.
  • Children are exposed to a wider range of Artists and Musicians beyond our everyday teaching via our Art Spine and Music Spine.
  • Children learn a wider range of Life Skills, which are built on progressively through each Key Stage.
  • Our Reading Spine ensures all pupils have equal access to a wide range of linguistically varied and engaging texts.


  • This year, our priorities to develop ‘Spines’ across the school are:
  • Ensure Life Skills activities are taught during ‘Funky Friday’ sessions.
  • To ensure children are being exposed to all musicians on the Music Spine at various points of the day eg assemblies, lunchtime, quiet sessions, transitions etc.
  • To expose children to various Artists, allowing additional time to explore various pieces of Art work.
  • Develop/ promote the further use of trips and visitors to expose children to ‘real life’ situations and circumstances.


  • Each Year Group to have an Art and Music display in shared area.
  • Musician/Artists to be displayed.
  • Children to independently add to displays, when new information has been taught/learnt.



  • As with all other areas of learning, the teaching and learning of Spines in our Reception classes, takes place both indoors and outdoors through a wide range of practical and hands on activities.
  • The staff use their knowledge and expertise to plan for a high-quality learning environment which provides children with lots of opportunities to explore and develop Cultural Capital.
  • Children are taught a range of Life Skills through discrete daily teaching.
  • Children are exposed to various Artists and develop a wide range of techniques through the use of their Art room sessions.
  • Children are introduced to a wide range of Musicians at various points of the day as music fills the department.



Extra Curricular Activities

Staff Members

Years Established