
Reading - The Anchorsholme Way


At Anchorsholme Academy, we provide children with a reading curriculum that consistently: inspires curiosity through a range of texts, genres and authors; empowers children to feel confident when reading, exploring and discussing texts; provides a reading environment to collaboratively enjoy and explore texts and enables children to communicate their responses to texts both verbally and in writing. Our aim is for every pupil to be a passionate, confident, fluent reader.

Cultural Capital

  • Texts are appropriately selected to expose children to different backgrounds, cultures, religions, time periods and experiences.
  • Text acts as a mirror to their own lives and experiences or a window into those of others.
  • Children explore texts with a range of audiences, purposes and effects
  • We utilise the opportunities that texts provide to broaden children’s vocabulary
  • Texts are selected carefully to help pupils build connections between subjects and the lives of themselves and others
  • Library visits take place each term for every year group


  • Reading is taught through FFT Success for All 30 minutes per day
  • Reading lessons combine modelled, choral, echo and paired reading to support children in accessing and understanding new texts and to increase fluency
  • FFT Success for All texts are shared with parents at the end of the week for re-reading at home
  • Home reading is supplemented with a wide range of books available for children to select according to their interests
  • Class texts/ novels are used throughout school to provide an opportunity for adults to model good reading habits. They also provide a stimulus for writing providing additional opportunities for teaching of reading and introduction of new vocabulary- these can be found in our ‘Reading Spine’
  • Weekly ‘Book Buddy’ sessions see our older children to read with our younger pupils, further developing healthy reading relationships


  • Children in EYFS & KS1 are assessed every half term to identify progress in phonic knowledge, decoding, fluency and oral comprehension
  • KS2 pupils are assessed on their reading fluency and comprehension each half term
  • Pupils with SEND are assessed regularly to identify their progress towards specific targets
  • Pupils are given a ‘next step’ reading target in order to promote pupil progress and these are shared through our progress reports to parents/ carers.
  • Pupils in Y2-Y6 use Accelerated reader to track their reading for pleasure and aim to join the 100% club and become word millionaires- these achievements are celebrated weekly in assembly



  • Children are grouped according to their reading stage for daily reading sessions ensuring accessibility for all.
  • All pupils with SEND are fully supported to participate in daily reading lessons alongside their peers.
  • Support may include: teacher or TA support, peer support, pre-teach of vocabulary, phonic mats, use of IT resources, differentiation of activities and use of practical resources.
  • Additional support is provided through 1-1 and small group reading sessions throughout the week
  • Interventions are provided using ‘Tutoring with Lightning Squad’ and ‘Reciprocal Reading’ with support staff trained in the delivery and assessment of these programmes in every year group


Reading working walls are consistent across school. They are used as a resource for children to use during reading sessions and also as a support for. Staff model using the resources effectively during reading and writing tasks. New vocabulary is displayed alongside a definition and an example of the word used in context. Question types to support the development of text comprehension are on display in all classrooms and referred to in daily reading lessons. Accelerated reader displays in classrooms or year group areas celebrate pupils’ achievements.

Evaluation of impact

  • We strongly believe in the importance of a quality reading offer for our pupils.
  • We regularly reflect on the impact of our reading offer through evaluation of teaching and learning, coaching, data analysis and pupil voice.
  • We are proud to have been selected as an FFT Partner School in response to our dedication to delivering high quality teaching of phonics and reading.



Extra Curricular Activities

Staff Members

Years Established