Design & Technology

Design & Technology - The Anchorsholme Way


We believe that students deserve a Design and Technology curriculum which prepares them for the world they live in. We want to allow our children to have high aspirations to achieve more – through creating wider opportunities for them. We would like our students to feel safe, be confident and curious, in their learning environment and to take risks and learn from mistakes. We aim to promote and develop resilient, independent, communication and collaboration of lifelong learners with the abilities to solve problems utilising a range of transferable skills, this allowing them to access and become a successful and productive member of the wider community.

Cultural Capital

  • Children will learn about a range of areas where designing and creating for a purpose take places, including cooking, sewing and building structures. We want to link these subjects to real life experiences and famous engineering experts through STEM and communicating ideas and developing prototypes.
  • Visitors and experts are used when possible to broaden knowledge and provide opportunities to ask questions.

Lesson Expectations

  • The lessons structure for DT lessons is that all lessons are planned using notebook or power point presentations.
  • Each lesson has a clear Anchor Question and a set of success criteria that is progressive throughout the school.
  • In the DT lessons we will cover planning, designing, making and evaluating the product. This includes cooking and nutrition.


Teacher assessment should include:

  • Quality of the child’s finished piece of DT work alongside their design booklet. – Teacher/TA needs to annotate how much help they have had from an adult.
  • Use of resources and how they have used them.
  • Thoughtful evaluation – What worked well, what didn’t, what would you change?
  • Each teacher to take photos of children during the lessons of their learning and the processes of their design. Take a final photo of the child and the items they have produced and place into the year group work portfolio in a named year group folder.
  • Teacher to keep a few pieces of DT work to showcase along with the child’s design booklet.


In Foundation Stage the children are encouraged to explore and use a variety of media and materials during a combination of continuous and enhanced provision.Children are given the opportunity to use different media and materials to express their own ideas.

Learn to use simple tools and techniques appropriately. They learn to prepare food hygienically and identify foods that are good and bad for them.
In Foundation we want children to have lots of active hands on experiences that encourage their communication and language skills and we nurture our children in becoming critical and creative thinkers.

More Able

  • Children are extended through a range of questioning.
  • Children can work collaboratively to deepen understanding.
  • Children to be assessed against the Trust Milestones at a greater depth level, broadening their understanding of the project.


All SEND children should be supported to fully participate in all Design Technology lessons. Support may include: teacher or TA support, peer support, pre-teach of vocabulary, word mats, use of IT resources, differentiation of activities if needed and practical resources.


Extra Curricular Activities

Staff Members

Years Established