Trust ‘Skeleton’ Curriculum


Universal Offer for all

Calm Corners and Dens

Each class has a calm corner or den available to the children should they require a quiet space.

Choral Poetry Performance

Each phase (Year 1 and 2, Year 3 and 4, Year 5 and 6) learn and prepare a choral speaking piece and present it to the rest of the school during a performance assembly.

No Pens Day Wednesday

No pens or other writing materials are used during this day. Activities focus on developing speaking and listening skills and children are engaged in a number of practical activities.

Public Speaking Competition

Each child in KS2 is provided with the opportunity to prepare a public speech on a subject of their choice, which they present to their class. One child per class is then selected to participate in the public speaking final.

Parental Celebrations

In order to celebrate and share the children’s learning with families, each year group holds a number of parental celebration events across the year.

The Anchorsholme Way

Intra-School Sports Events

Once per half term, the children participate in an Intra-school sports competition within their house teams. The events included are: archery, Kurling, wheelchair basketball, football, running and golf.

Class Assemblies

Across the year, each class presents an assembly linked to a specific area of their learning or particular event or time of year. Families are invited to attend.

Singing for Fun

Once every week, the children participate in Singing for Fun assembly where they learn and sing a range of different songs, including songs involving Makaton sign language.


Our Year 5 pupils attend swimming lessons at Moor Park swimming pool as part of their P.E curriculum.

Reading Buddies

Children in Foundation Stage have a reading session each week where they share books with their Reading Buddy in Year 6. Children in Year 1 have their weekly sessions with their Reading Buddy in Year 5.

Pupil Voice

Each class holds a pupil voice meeting through the Smart School Councils Platform every week where they discuss a whole-school question, share their views and opinions and vote as a team. The outcomes of weekly pupil voice meetings are shared with the whole school during assemblies and through our school newsletter.

Careers Fair

An annual careers fair is held where members of the community come in to school to share details of their career and the necessary training, skills and qualifications required.

World Culture Day

During World Culture Day, each year group learns about a different country or area of the world. Children participate in a number of exciting activities including learning about language, religion and culture, food-tasting and researching significant landmarks, events and people.

World Book Day

World Book Day is a whole-school celebration of books and reading. Children dress as a book character or other themed idea and are immersed in a range of fun, exciting and engaging activities.

Big Sing

One of the highlights of our summer term is our Big Sing. Each year group prepares a song and dance
which they then perform to parents during an outdoor whole-school celebration.


Weekly homework is set, which also includes reading at home, and learning times tables and spellings.


Children complete a range of assessment activities across the year. The outcomes of these are
communicated to parents during Parent’s Evenings and via reports.

Parents' Evenings

Parents are invited to attend face-to-face Parent’s Evenings twice in the school year, during which they will be informed of their child’s progress.

Mid-term Reports

Mid-term reports are issued to parents at the start of the spring term and include details of the child’s effort, attainment and progress as well as targets for reading, writing and maths.

End of Year Report

An end-of-year report will be issued to parents at the end of the summer term, which provides details of progress, effort, attainment, attitudes and targets.

Sports Day

Every child participates in Sports Day during the summer term. All of the children take part in each
activity and families are invited to share this event with us.

Funky Friday

All children participate in a Funky Friday activity every Friday afternoon, where they select a different activity each half term from a wide range such as arts and crafts, games, music, animal care, mindfulness, drama and life skills.


Each class has the daily timetable displayed.


Extra Curricular Activities

Staff Members

Years Established