
Offer for some children to further enhance learning

Wider Opportunities for SEND and disadvantaged pupils

A variety of wider opportunities are provided for our SEND and disadvantaged pupils.

Occupational Therapy Support Plans

Occupational therapy support plans are delivered as required following guidance and advice for individuals from the NHS.

Pastoral Support and Learning Mentor

Our pastoral team, including a learning mentor, deliver sessions which help support children’s emotional health and wellbeing.

Class-level Interventions

A range of intervention sessions are provided to both support and challenge learners and address their individual needs.

Specific Targeted Interventions

A wide range of specific, targeted interventions are provided to support children’s individual needs in a variety of curriculum areas.

Speech and Language Support

Speech and language interventions are delivered as required following guidance and advice for individuals from the NHS.


We deliver a child-led programme based on emotional literacy (self-awareness, recognition of emotions and management of feelings) for children requiring support with this.

SEND Reading Scheme

There is a specialised reading scheme available for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Sensory Diet

For children with additional sensory needs, there are a range of interventions available such as sensory circuits and access to a sensory room.

Trust Collaboration

Some children participate in collaborative activites, such as pupil voice meetings and senior pupil meetings, across our Trust, The Sea View Trust.


Extra Curricular Activities

Staff Members

Years Established