
Geography - The Anchorsholme Way


At Anchorsholme Academy, we want all pupils to be passionate about geography and to be inspired to have a life-long curiosity and fascination with geographical concepts. We also want to give our children the skills, knowledge and experiences they need to be independent and critical thinkers, so that they are prepared and well equipped to study geography beyond the primary curriculum by the time they leave Year 6.

High-quality geography education is provided to inspire children and develop their fascination about the geographical world. We aim to develop all children into confident learners who are curious around about the world and its people; who work collaboratively to find answers and can communicate their findings in a variety of ways to enable them to think, question and understand geography as a geographer would.

We believe that it is important that children should enjoy a range of experiences and have access to various ways of learning. In class, the children learn through a wide range of creative experiences as well as making visits to local areas and areas further afield.

Cultural Capital

  • Children are exposed to a wide range of experiences through trips and fieldwork opportunities provided within every topic including the exploration of their local area and further afield.
  • Visitors and experts are used when possible to broaden knowledge and provide opportunities to ask questions.
  • Culture Day immersion into focused country.
  • Celebration of Earth Day and Fieldwork Fortnight.

Lesson Expectations

  • Each lesson to be based around an Anchor Question and begin with a Revisit and Review activity.
  • Key concept written before Anchor Question each lesson (e.g. Place: Who are our European Neighbours?)
  • Knowledge organisers to be used alongside each topic as a working document stuck onto the left-hand page of curriculum books and as assessment and review opportunity.


  • Children to complete one summative assessment piece in lesson 6 of each unit.
  • All lessons to begin with a question to be answered throughout/at the end of the lesson.
  • Revisit and review activities to link to previous unit learning to help recall and extend existing knowledge including previous year groups.


  • All SEND children should be supported to fully participate in all geography lessons.
  • Support may include: teacher or TA support, peer support, pre-teach of vocabulary, word mats, use of IT resources, differentiation of activities and practical resources.
  • Completed knowledge organisers given to support.

More Able

  • Children are extended through a range of questioning.
  • Children can work collaboratively to deepen understanding.
  • Children to be assessed against the Trust Milestones at a greater depth level, broadening their understanding of the unit of study.


  • Key milestones for geography are taught through Understanding of the World.

Trips/Extra-curricular opportunities

  • Each year group will hold a celebration for parents linked to their geography unit throughout the year.
  • Many year groups present their unit’s learning through assemblies.
  • Every year group celebrates Fieldwork Week and provides enquiry opportunities in the local area.
  • Earth Day celebration day focuses on a key focus for the school and planned linked activities.
  • Culture Day celebration to immerse children into a focus country/region.
  • Unit Days within some year groups.
  • Parents/Visitor speakers to link with focus units.
  • Water Park


Extra Curricular Activities

Staff Members

Years Established