SAFEGUARDINGAre you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online? Make a report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors by clicking on the CEOP Button below.
The Designated Safeguarding lead for Anchorsholme Academy is Mrs Amy Hylton (DSL Trained March 2024).
Our Deputy Safeguarding Leads, who are trained to deputise in the DSL’s absence, are:
- Mrs Tina Foster (DSL trained September 2019 and September 2021)
- Mrs Jane Carter (DSL trained June 2019 and September 2021)
- Mrs Cheryl Spencer (DSL trained June 2024)
The Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding is Mrs Victoria Evans.
At Anchorsholme Academy we are absolutely committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, in line with the duty placed on us by section 175 of the Education Act 2002.
We strongly believe that all children should feel safe, protected, secure, listened to, respected and valued. Each and every child’s welfare is of the utmost importance to us and we recognise that high self-esteem, confidence, support and clear lines of communication with a trusted adult all help our children.
We will always strive to take a considered and sensitive approach in order to support all of our children to the very best of our ability.
We know that every person in our school has responsibility for safeguarding children and at all times we will always consider what is in the best interests of the child.
We ensure all staff are aware of their responsibilities to protect the children in their care, to work alongside other agencies and to fulfil their duties in accordance with The Children Act 1989 and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022.
Staff are vigilant in cases of suspected abuse; recognising signs and symptoms and acting swiftly to take the appropriate action to keep our children safe.
All staff are trained annually, either face to face or online. This training is integrated into our whole school approach to safeguarding.
Staff complete additional courses throughout each and every year e.g. FGM awareness, online safety and Prevent. Our consistent use of CPOMS ensures that all concerns are raised, recorded and acted upon swiftly.
Annually, all staff working in our setting read Parts 1 and 5 of KCSIE and are made aware of updates and changes by the DSL.
- To raise pupil awareness and, through the curriculum, build confidence to ensure their own protection.
- To raise awareness amongst all staff of the need for child protection and of their responsibilities in identifying and reporting possible signs of abuse.
- To have a clear network of support for our children.
- To proactively promote an ongoing culture of vigilance across our school.
- To emphasise the need for good levels of communication between all members of staff.
- To keep confidential records of pupil progress and welfare (in a separate file to other records) and use them to inform relevant agencies and authorities, as and when appropriate.
- To provide a systematic means of monitoring children thought to be at risk.
- To have clear internal procedures to be followed in cases of suspected abuse.
- To develop a coordinated approach to child protection by developing effective links with outside agencies/support agencies in order to be able to work effectively.
- To develop informed relationships with parents so that they understand the responsibility of the school with regard to child protection.
Important School Policies/Letters
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- Operation Encompass Letter (Updated: December 2024)
Safeguarding Links
- Child Exploitation and Online Protection
- Think U Know
- Parenting Advice
- Parents and Carers Toolkit
- Advice for 4-7 year olds from Jessie & Friends animated series to stay safe online
- Advice for 8-10 year olds to stay safe online
- Advice for 11-18 year olds to stay safe online
- Internet Matters: Helping parents keep their children safe online
Button Battery & Magnet Safety Information
Earlier this year RoSPA alerted CDOPs to incidents involving small high-powered magnetic products and with button batteries.
- Using Button Batteries Safely
- Magnet Safety Comms Pack
- ROSPA Button Battery Information
- Great Ormond Street Hospital Button Battery Information
- Safety Alert by NHS England on the Urgent Treatment following indestion of ‘Super Strong’ Magnets
Extra Curricular Activities
Staff Members
Years Established
Get In Touch
Telephone: 01253 855215
Email: [email protected]