Physical Education

Physical Education - The Anchorsholme Way


At Anchorsholme Academy, we want to engage and motivate all learners to recognise and achieve their full potential. We want our learners to engage in sport in a confident and collaborative way, to increase their teamwork, communication and leadership skills. Also, we want our children exposed to a range of different sports and skills to allow their natural curiosity and engagement in sport to shine through.

At Anchorsholme Academy, we provide a high quality physical education curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.

At Anchorsholme Academy, we believe Physical Education should enable all pupils to work towards becoming independently active within the school and community, as it makes a significant contribution in helping establish the necessary knowledge, skills, understanding and attitude essential in maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.

We offer a variety of free extra-curricular sporting activities both before and after the school day. Activities include football, kurling, gymnastics, dancing etc. Further details can be obtained from the school office.

Cultural Capital

  • Variety of sports and equipment expose our children to a range of different sports and opportunities.
  • Children have a wide-variety of extra-curricular club opportunities that take place before school, after school and during the school day, e.g. Archery, Football, Kurling, etc. This ensures a wide variety of our children are exposed to sport.
  • Competitive opportunities – tournaments and competitions to represent Anchorsholme Academy (e.g. Premier League Stars, Indoor Sports Hall Athletics Competition).
  • Our Intraschool half termly competition ensure every single child at our school plays a competitive sporting event at least once.
  • We have a wide range of outside organisations and partners come into school to teach our children and give them numerous sporting opportunities. Some examples would be our links with Fit to Go, Royal Ballet, Blackpool FC Community trust, Sports for Champions, Active Blackpool, etc.


This year, our priorities to develop PE across the school are:

  • To gain the School Games Mark for our school.
  • To continue to develop the CPD and development of PE within our teaching staff.
  • To ensure evidence of effective PE teaching is evident (floor books).
  • To strengthen links between the community and our school.
  • Work should be differentiated for more and less able learners: particularly those pupils who are on the SEND register.
  • We follow the STEP framework: 

This image highlights the STEP framework that shows how Anchorsholme includes children with a wide range of abilities.

Wider Opportunities

  • A variety of specialist Breakfast Clubs and Afterschool Clubs ran by our school’s PE specialist.
  • A variety of sports clubs ran by our staff during and after school.
  • The chance to compete against local and national schools in a range of competitive events and sports (e.g. football, cricket, athletics).
  • Community events.
  • Morning sessions (e.g. Taekwondo).
  • Team building events in and out of school.
  • Trips and residentials outside of school (e.g. Waterpark).



Extra Curricular Activities

Staff Members

Years Established